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Welcome to Moore Pour & Play!

An 18+ only games & drinks bar.
Wine a little - Laugh alot! 🍻🍷🍹
If you need a refill or if your feeling peckish see our menu below.
Games rules are listed below the menu!
Wines: (by glass only)
- Semillon (dry, lemon, lime citrus) $15
- Merlot (dry, ripe plums & cherries) $15
- Stella Sparkling (summer fruits) $15
- Moorescato (raspberries & turkish delight) $15
- Grandis Piquette (5%) $10
Beers & Ciders: (cans only)
- Hope Mexican Lager (4.3%) $8.50
- Hope Pale Ale (4.5%) $8.50
- Hope Apple Cider (5.0%) $9.50
- Hope Passionfruit Cider (5.0%) $9.50
 Cocktails ($16)
- Stellas Passionfruit Paradise (gin, stella sparkling & passionfruit)
- Moorescato & Lemon Spritz (gin, moorescato, lemon)
- MooreHard Lemonade (choice of gin or vodka)
Non alcoholic:
- Homemade Lemonade $5
- Chips $5
- Kelly's Candy $5
- Cuvee Chocolate $15
Ben & Jerry's Ice cream (not currently available)
All ordering done inside or wave down our staff.
If your questioning some of the game rules keep reading!
Naughts & Crosses (2 player)
You'll need 1x game board + 8 white rock & 8 black rocks
First to get 4 in a row vertically, horizontally or diagonally wins.
Hares & Hounds (2 player)
You'll need 1 game board + 1 white peg and 3 red pegs
Aim of the game is the 3 hounds (red pegs) must surround the white hare and prevent it from moving, meanwhile the hare (white peg) must try moving around the hounds to the other side.
Red (hound) win the game when the white (hare) peg can no longer move.
White (hare) wins if they pass all red (hound) pegs 
Turn by turn each player moves there peg 1 space.
Red (hound) can only move forward, left & right.
White (hare) can move all directions.
Ping-Pong (upto 4 players)
( if you need more balls come see us at the bar)
Feel free to play 
Pool (2 player +)
If you looking for a pool game for more then 2 players.
Killer (2 players +)
Each player starts with 3 lives,
Aim of the game is to sink a ball each round.
Each player gets one shot, going in the same order each round.
Pot a ball and pass the cue to the next person.
Miss and you still pass to the next person, but you lose a life.
The balls are set up as normal in a pool game and if all the balls go in you just re rack them.
The players can aim for any ball they like to pot in.
Each player keeps track of their live's.
Once you run out of lives you are out of the game.
Ring & Hook Toss (2 player)
You'll need 1 ring and string stand + 1 counter and cork.
To begin, 1 player on each side of the stand. Start by placing the cork in the centre circle of the counter, count down from 3 and start tossing the rings at the hooks.
 Each time you successfully land a ring on the hook, you advance the cork one space closer to your opponent. The objective is to be the first player to move the cork off the end of the ladder, signalling victory.
 Checkers (2 player)
You'll need 1 checkers board + 8 black & 8 white checkers.
The game is played on a checkerboard using only the dark squares. 
Players move one piece at a time, forward diagonally, one space at a time. Players can't move backwards towards their own home space. 
If a player's piece is diagonally opposite an opponent's piece, and the space beyond is empty, the player can jump over the opponent's piece to capture it. Capturing is usually mandatory. If a player can jump multiple pieces, they can do so in one turn. This is called a double jump. 
When a player's piece reaches the last row, it becomes a king. To make a piece a king, place a previously captured piece of the same color on top of it. Kings can move diagonally forward or backward. 
A player loses when they have no valid moves left, which can happen if they have no pieces left or their pieces are blocked by the opponent's pieces. 
 Cards (2 players +)
Go Fish
Deal 5 cards to each play with remaining deck in the middle.

The player to the left of the dealer looks directly at any opponent and says, for example, "Give me your kings," usually addressing the opponent by name and specifying the rank that they want, from ace down to two. The player who is "fishing “must have at least one card of the rank that was asked for in their hand. The player who is addressed must hand over all the cards requested. If the player has none, they say, "Go fish!" and the player who made the request draws the top card of the stock and places it in their hand.

If a player gets one or more cards of the named rank that was asked for, they are entitled to ask the same or another player for a card. The player can ask for the same card or a different one. So long as the player succeeds in getting cards (makes a catch), their turn continues. When a player makes a catch, they must reveal the card so that the catch is verified. If a player gets the fourth card of a book, the player shows all four cards, places them on the table face up in front of everyone, and plays again.

If the player goes fishing without "making a catch" (does not receive a card he asked for), the turn passes to the left.

The game ends when all thirteen books have been won. The winner is the player with the most books. During the game, if a player is left without cards, they may (when it's their turn to play), draw from the stock and then ask for cards of that rank. If there are no cards left in the stock, they are out of the game.

In this game, players use a standard 52-card deck. Players take turns passing cards to the left and picking up the card passed by the player on their right. When a player has four cards of the same denomination, they stop passing and put their finger to their nose. The last player to do this is the Pig.